Alcoholic Dementia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Dr. Moawad regularly writes and edits health and career content for medical books and publications. Memory and decision-making are also severely affected, which means that people living with this condition need help from trusted family or friends to manage home, finances, transportation, and more. Additionally, medications that are indicated for treating dementia, such as Namenda (memantine), may be prescribed, but the benefits are not established for alcoholic dementia.

  • As was demonstrated in the previous section, alcoholics may not benefit from certain aspects of treatment because of their cognitive deficits.
  • Dementia is an umbrella term for a variety of conditions that affect a person’s processing skills and memory.
  • Eating well-balanced meals can also help manage any cravings to drink that you experience.
  • Abstinence also can help reverse negative effects on thinking skills, including problem­ solving, memory, and attention.
  • Once a person stops using alcohol, they can often experience recovery from symptoms, though in some cases, some damage may be permanent.
  • Recovery may not progress at a steady pace, so it is best to measure performance on more than two occasions.

Alcoholics practice cognitive rehearsal tasks to improve their cognitive functioning. It is possible that even subtle cognitive deficits could affect how alcoholics seek and participate in treatment and resume normal lives in the weeks and months after they stop drinking. Three examples of different types of deficits and their impact on elements of treatment are presented below. On the other hand, some researchers have reported the relationship between cognitive deficits and treatment success to be modest at best or even inverse.

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If you or a loved one frequently engage in binge drinking or have an addiction to alcohol, talk to your healthcare provider or call the SAMHSA National Helpline. A large-scale study that followed participants for 27 years found moderate alcohol consumption — defined as one to two drinks a few days a week — didn’t have an increased risk of dementia. It’s important to note that most researchers and healthcare providers have found that alcohol consumed in moderation — one to two drinks for men and one for women — doesn’t typically affect memory. You can avoid short-term memory loss by removing alcohol from the equation.

Alcoholics with more years of heavy or problem drinking are not more likely to have more lasting impairment than are those with fewer years. This finding is counterintuitive, and the reasons for it are not entirely clear. The brains of people with shorter drinking histories may be more resilient physically or may better carry out neurophysiological adjustments. Or, up to a certain number of drinking years, alcoholics may be able to learn to compensate for underlying neurological damage to produce unimpaired behavior (e.g., by performing a task a different way).

How does drinking damage the body?

Experts recommend that screeners check anyone with memory loss for alcohol use. However, Doctors use a thorough social history, the findings from the physical and neurologic exams, and the presentation of symptoms to diagnose the condition. Depending on your symptoms, you might also undergo a brain scan to rule out other concerns, like a stroke or tumor, or brain bleeding caused by physical trauma.

Quality of life and life expectancy vary significantly from person to person. Talk to a doctor to address your symptoms and learn how you can manage and, in some cases, even reverse signs of your illness. Anyone can forget things from time to time, however, people who consume heavy amounts of alcohol have a tendency to make more memory mistakes than those who do not drink at all or those who do not drink on a regular basis. These mistakes can include recalling whether they had completed a task, such as locking the car or switching off the stove or forgetting where they put things. Prospective memory is day-to-day brain function, specifically, remembering to complete daily activities. If a person uses it heavily long-term, they’re at risk for a number of memory-related health conditions.

Does Cognitive Status Affect Treatment Outcome?

It’s hard to know what to say to a loved one when you’re worried that their drinking is affecting their health. If you aren’t sure where to begin, consider talking to their healthcare provider or use the resources listed below. Some people experience what doctors call a blackout when they drink too much alcohol and don’t remember key details.

Men and women who consume more than 4 standard drinks on any single occasion are at risk. Mixing alcohol and other drugs – either illegal drugs or some prescription drugs – can cause serious health problems. Alcohol researchers do not know whether cognitive impairments impede alcoholism treatment. Can a cognitively impaired alcoholic readily absorb all the information that is usually imparted during treatment? Do these deficits make the necessary adjustments and adaptations to a “dry” (i.e., nondrinking) way of life more difficult? If so, can anything be done to help the alcoholic recover from these deficits?